CIA Reading Room cia-rdp82-00457r001000510006-2: 1. BALTIC PORTS 2. MARIENHOF AIRFIELD
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CIA Reading Room cia-rdp82-00457r001000510006-2: 1. BALTIC PORTS 2. MARIENHOF AIRFIELD
- Publication date
- 1947-10-03
- Topics
- CIA Reading Room,
- Collection
- ciareadingroom; manuals; additional_collections
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 1.2M
25X1A2g Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000510006-2 49PRA00 CET ,L 1 NTELL1G E ITELLUGENCE REPORT COUNTRY U: (Soviet cast Prussia) SURJEC;T 1, Baltic Porte 2. :srienhof Airfield ORIGIN 122852 DATE. 25X1A6a DtST. October 1947 PAGES SUPPLEMENT 1. Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg) is no longer used exclusively as a port of transyhi nt s or comicrcial goods, but is being pat to use primarily as a repair and supply 'base for the enlarged naval base at Pillau, 2, The base at Pillau is constructed chiefly to accomodate subrnar'.nes, fine layers, ;;reed boats, and torpedo boats. All speed boats and torpedo boots are reported to be equipped with remote control instruments, Practice maneuvers with these instruments are undertaken daily, The Pillau naval. base includes twelve fix}-meter jetties and about sixteen r epair and anchorage pens, the reinforced concrete roofs of which are 16 to 20 meters in dianmeter, 3. Tear Fiscbhausen, which has been cleared of civilians, large repair pens have been constructed for overhauling the naval' units from PiL1au according to the Ie.test me':hods, The installations can undertake repairs on about.20 submarines, 8 torpedo boats, and about 50 speed boats ai u1taneouslya The pens are located 1.500 meters west of Fischhausen in the bay of Pillau, Near Y-larienhof, a modern airfield with underground hangars has been constructed. It is estimated that those hangars contain at-out 150 ,Jet-propelled planes (F-5 for number). This document ce ttaii,s xnto! ma Unir'edi btat,s Within E>mionse At 5r) a*eMed- I velatio to 7.f ti i aninn of the 31 ex fi`t,, alb elon or the red to contents in any manner thorized person is prohibited This document is hereby regra _ CONFIDENTIAL in accosda h the letter of . Cv'_o5e from the Of rector '- :~ o ' ^;ence to the Arc wrist Lifted 5a:e3. N evie~v Date, ?C:'U a'f, roctin tie nations def Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000510006-2
- Addeddate
- 2023-07-21 22:21:40
- Identifier
- cia-readingroom-document-cia-rdp82-00457r001000510006-2
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/s2rqc015ff3
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- Ppi
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- Scanner
- Internet Archive Python library 3.0.2
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